Friday, October 10, 2008

Joseph gets to start new job!


Joseph got the job at Lockheed Martin. He will start on Monday Oct.13th as a Final Assembly Inspector on the F-16s. Monday, he will get to meet his new boss during a catered lunch.

To top all of that, Deanna got her first unemployment money today. God has been our strength during this hard time of trial. Now that Joseph will be working again, we will be able to breath a bit easier.

Our church was gracious enough to help us with all of our outstanding bills and keep our heads above water. God and His church are a great comfort for those in a time of need as well as the good times.

God Is Faithful

WOW! God is so good to us!

Joseph was laid off from Pratt & Whitney on the sixth of August and then Deanna was laid off from BMC West on the twelfth of September. We had to apply for assistance from the State and the County just to keep our bills paid. Our church Tate Springs has even stepped in to assist us with a few of our bills.

Yesterday, October 9, 2008, Joseph got a call from Lockheed Martin welcoming me to the family. He will start on Monday, October 12, 2008.

We are excited about what God has in store for us.

Thank you to all who have been in prayer for us. God hears His children when they cry out to Him!